Vida Después de la Muerte / Life After Death took 2nd place at the Noche de Videos / Video Night at the 2018 Marine Science Conference in Chile! That's me "La Rubia/Rusia/Gringa" sneaking in at the bottom left.
Life after death "Life After Death" is a seven minute documentary film highlighting ecosystem succession and shifting baselines in Patagonia via timelapses of whales decomposing over one full year. Check it out on vimeo in both English and Spanish!
Life After Death took nearly 3 years to make and was supported by 44 Kickstarter Backers, Blue Marine Foundation, Huinay Scientific Field Station, and Oregon State University Student Media Services. Bushnell generously donated 10 cameras to the project, and The National Geographic Society / Waitts Foundation supported a field expedition to recover them one year later.